Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thing 15 - Google Maps

I think I may have used google maps in the past, but I more frequently use Mapquest as my online map tool of choice. For this Thing, I took the opportunity to use Google maps instead and familiarize myself with that tool. It is a bit different than the Mapquest site. I like the traffic options, but there is also a similar option on Mapquest so that didn't end up being too new for me. I do really like the tool that allows you to see the "real" view of a location, for example I typed in my home address as the starting point for a location and then clicked on the marker icon and it showed a picture of the front of my house...almost a little creepy, but cool too. Overall, I would say that Google maps probably has more functionality than Mapquest, so I will probably try to transition myself to use Google maps more often, although it will be hard since I'm so used to Mapquest!

I used Google maps to map from my house to the Frisco library. I was surprised to find that the route I take to work is actually the route they suggested. They do have an alternative listed which includes using the TX121 tollway, and I would have guessed that this would be their first or recommended route, but it's not. The link to this map is:

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